“We create multiple strategies to ensure the most successful future for your company.”

Foreign Investment in Mexico
We provide specialized advice on foreign investment in Mexico.
We are aware of the great importance of Foreign Investment as a complementary source of resources to finance the economic growth of our country.
During 2020, Mexico registered a total of 29,079.4 billion dollars from Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), where 22%, was obtained from new investments 6,408.5 billion dollars, 55.4% from reinvestment of profits with 16,95.7 billion dollars and 22.6% from investment of intercompany accounts with 6,575.3 billion dollars.
The United States was the country with the highest Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Mexico during 2020, with a total amount of 11, 355.8 billion dollars (39%), followed by Canada with 4,224.3 billion dollars (15%) and Spain with 3,998.8 billion dollars (14%).
The Manufacturing sector was the sector with the highest investment during 2020, with 11,815.6 billion dollars, or 40.6% of the total amount of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Mexico.
Financial Services was the second sector with the highest Foreign Direct Investment in the country, with a total amount of 6,748.9 billion dollars, representing 23.2% of Mexico’s total.
As of 2020, 280 companies from the European Union were registered in Mexico, mainly from the following 25 countries: Spain, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom , Netherlands, France, Norway, Switzerland, Cayman Islands, Luxembourg, Netherlands Antilles, Austria, Denmark, Belgium, Bermuda, Sweden, Bulgaria, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, British Virgin Islands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic and Réunion.
The main sectors of European companies established in Mexico are: 25% provide professional, scientific and technical services (69 companies); 23% are construction companies (65 companies); 10% of the companies belong to the business support services and waste management and remediation services sector (28 companies), 9% are companies dedicated to the manufacturing industry (26 companies) and 9% are dedicated to wholesale trade (25 companies).
Mexico is the country with the second largest foreign direct investment in Latin America, which results in the creation of a large number of domestic companies with foreign investment or the opening of agencies, branches and subsidiaries of foreign companies in our country.
For this reason, we integrate specialized services in this area, which include from the initial advice to the necessary advice to properly comply with the obligations of the scheme in which it operates.

the best result for the future.
JOINT VENTURE, under this scheme we seek a mutually beneficial partnership with a local company that performs or has the physical and operational capacity to perform the manufacturing process that your company requires.
SHELTER, in this scheme we support the foreign company in the search and hiring of a company to manage the company created for this purpose, while performing the manufacturing processes required without the direct intervention of the foreign company.
PRODUCTIVE ESTABLISHMENT, in this scheme we support the foreign company in all the requirements to be fulfilled in order to set up operations, the advice we provide is comprehensive, from incorporation of companies; immigration procedures; local and federal permits; taxation schemes; registration with the tax authorities; obtaining the IMMEX permit to avoid payment of taxes and import duties or any other sectoral operational program recognized by the Mexican customs system; general and specific requirements for import and/or export; on-site market studies; feasibility and viability studies; etc.
SUBCONTRACTING OF COMPANY, we advise and support the search of a local company with the capacity to produce the goods or merchandise that the foreign company requires, without major commitment and/or need to establish any type of establishment in the country, in addition we support them with the advice in the subject of signing production or association contracts under the scheme of Mexican laws, always protecting the interests of the foreign company and its assets.