On June 28, the brewery HEINEKEN, announced the new investment in its new silver cans in Meoqui, Chihuahua, the seventh in the state being the first company in the state with Green-by-Design (green design) concept. The plant will have an investment of approximately 1,800 mdp, generate 2,500 direct and indirect jobs and implement sustainable technologies. constellation

Mónica Bichará, vice president of Corporate Affairs of HEINEKEN Mexico, revealed that the investment will go to the construction of the factory, which will have an operational integration strategy, which will strengthen the supply of canned products.

The secretary of innovation and economic development, Maria Angela Granados Trespalacios, on behalf of Governor Maru Campos, highlighted the importance of this new construction for the state, which will bring prosperity and economic development for families, and sustainability for the state; In addition, he highlighted that approximately 90% of Meoquinenses have a job derived from the company.

On the other hand, the brewery Constellation Brands who has the rights to produce and market to Grupo Modelo for the United States, has announced its new investment in a plant in the Hacienda de Santa Fe, Veracruz, which will have an initial budget of 1,300 million dollars, generating more than 2,000 jobs and 10,000 indirect, will be located there for its strategic position on seaports, natural resources and access to skilled labor. constellation

It should be noted that, during the first half of this year, the United States has invested in the country 7,602.3 million dollars (mdd), of which 247.4 mdd went to Veracruz. In comparison to the Netherlands, which have a total investment of 57.8 million dollars, the main states that receive this investment are Chihuahua, Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosí; this first state is recipient of 25 million dollars of the total investments. constellation

Talking about the beverage industry; The United States invested this semester 34 million dollars (2% annually in the last three years), while the Netherlands has a general investment for the fraction of 33% (67% of investment was captured for the fraction in 2021).

Bill Newlands, president of the Costellation Brands group, stressed: “The beer business now expects net sales growth of 10 to 11 percent, and operating revenue growth of 6 to 7 percent by fiscal year 2022, reflecting the strong performance of the core beer portfolio”.


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